Personal training is the most effective way to gain mobility, release tension and pain and move more freely.

Maybe your goal is to gain flexibility and improve your physique for better movements in surfing. Or you wish to get stronger & reconnect to your body again after an injury or a longer break with exercising.

Specific stretching and breathing techniques we will create more space in the body. And by building foundational, postural strength we improve your body-awareness and control.

Each session will be well balanced so you feel amazing straight after. And as you learn to control the position of pelvis, spine and shoulders better the Personal Training sessions will also set you up to practice any other movement more safely and effectively - getting more out of your yoga classes, your favourite sport like gym workouts, martial arts or surfing as well as physical challenges in every daily life.

The sessions can include: 

* Joint mobility (FRCĀ® CARS), priming the deep tissue, improving proprioception & range.

* Specific stretches to extend & control range of motion, building deep strength around the joints (FRCĀ® PAILs & RAILs).

* Exercises to build postural strength, integrating 360 degree core stability with hip-, leg- and shoulders stability.

* Fascia release techniques with tennis ball / blackroll.  

* A short guided relaxation at the end.


In a small group we release tension in lower back, shoulders and hips, improve flexibility and we build internal strength & body control to enjoy more freedom of movement. Sequences are designed for surfers but are suitable for everyone!


Fridays 10:00 - 11:15

Location: Dawn Collective Shala / Arrifana Portugal.

Save your spot via whatsapp +351 969139951